Wright & Morten Equine's home page
  • Call our surgery01260 280800


What to do if you need a vet out of hours

In an emergency, please contact the office number on 01260 280800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Be prepared to give basic details:

  • Account holder
  • Contact details
  • Address of horse
  • A brief summary of what is happening with your horse

We will then arrange for a vet to come out to you ASAP, and confirm an ETA. The assigned vet will be available on the telephone for you until they get to you.

There is an additional charge for Out of Hours visits, and appointments made on the day.

Please Note: We require the owners permission to treat a horse. This can be given verbally (in person or over the phone) or in writing eg part of livery or loan agreement. We recommend nominating another person who can authorise treatment on your behalf if you are uncontactable and informing us who can do so in an emergency situation.